Derek Folan

Derek Folan, Principal

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12 - October 16

This Week at CHS...

Twitter: Follow @cantonhsnews

Monday, Oct. 12 -- No School -- Columbus Day

Tuesday, Oct. 13
German Exchange Students visit New York City

Canton Alliance Against Substance Abuse (CAASA) presentation: Dr. Muse: Concussions and Addiction, 7-9 in CHS Auditorium.

Wednesday, Oct. 14
PSAT administration

German Exchange students visit New York City

CPACSS presentation: Basic Rights in Special Education, 7-9 in the CHS Library. Presented by the Federation of for Children for Special Needs

Thursday, Oct. 15
German Exchange students visit New York City 
School Committee Meeting, 7 p.m. in DLL

Friday, Oct. 16
Term 1 Progress Reports emailed home/Edline posted

Save the Date:

Saturday, Oct. 17 -- Canton Health Fair at Canton High School, 8-2:30

Wednesday, Oct. 21 -- Canton High School Showcase

Friday/Saturday, Nov. 13-14 -- Canton High School Fall Play -- Marvin's Room, 7 p.m.

Monday, November 23 -- CHS Parent Conferences (By appointment)

Term 1 Progress Reports
Term 1 Progress Reports will be emailed home on Friday, October 16. The Progress Report will likely prompt you to check your son or daughter's grades on Edline. If you need help with Edline or need an account set up, please contact Doreen Shea at

As a reminder, progress reports are an approximate reflection of a student's academic standing. We are placing greater emphasis on learning, growth and work ethic, rather than simply grades. But it is very important to know your son or daughter's academic standing, and Progress Reports can open lines of communication with students, parents and teachers.

Students are always encouraged to make effective use of their classroom time and studies, afterschool help with their teachers and the Afterschool Academic Center in the library afterschool. There is no trick to school -- learning takes a great amount of work and a willingness to move out of your comfort zone. If there are subjects and/or assessments that are challenging, we hope our students have the resiliency and resources to get better each day.

Daily Announcements Available on CHS Website
The Canton High School Daily Announcements, which encompass upcoming club meetings, practice and rehearsal updates, and school events, are read each day at the start of the lunch block. The Daily Announcements are now available on the CHS website under the link "Daily Announcements." The Google Doc will feature the week's announcements for students, parents and staff to review.

PSAT administration at Canton High School
For the first time ever, Canton High School will be administering the PSAT to juniors and sophomores during the school day on Wednesday, October 14. We currently have 335 students taking the exam.

The College Board, who oversees the PSATs, SATs and AP exams, made a decision to only administer the PSATs on two Wednesdays in October. (Schools had to pick one of the two.) In the past, schools had the option of Wednesday or Saturday ad
ministrations. CHS, like many schools, had always done the PSATs on a Saturday. Other schools made it part of their school day. This year, we had no choice. I do not know if this administration structure is a one-year trial or a permanent move, but we will do our best to keep in contact with the College Board and stay informed.

Logistically, the PSAT administration during the school day will be a challenge, but Assistant Principal Mr. McDeed and Guidance Director Dr. Chamberland have a good plan, and they have reserved the classrooms in C Building.

Grades 9 and 12 will experience a normal school day (with the first three periods adjusted slightly), but they will have their English and World Language classes in a different classroom. Grade 10 and 11 students not taking the PSAT will have a different classroom as well.

It is our goal to ensure a great testing environment for students involved in the PSATs and to preserve a solid school day for all of the other students. It's not going to be easy, but we will do our best.

Over 100 parents/guardians attend SAT workshop
Over 100 parents and guardians attended the CHS Guidance Department's Quantum Test Prep presentation on the Re-designed SAT and PSAT last Thursday in the CHS Library. Another 60 attended the MEFA/Financial Aid Workshop earlier in the evening.

If you were not able to attend the Quantum Test Prep presentation, we are going to email the PowerPoint to all parents. Additionally, keep an eye out for some in-house SAT test prep sessions to prepare students for the Nov. 7 SAT administration. Finally, with the many changes in the SAT, we are strongly encouraging our students to consider taking the ACT. As you discuss college planning with the Guidance Department, ask about the ACT. Click here for more info about the ACT.

Bookmark the Guidance Blog

CHS Athletic Boosters Meeting
The Canton High School Athletic Boosters will be meeting on Wednesday, October 14, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the First Floor Teacher's Room.

This parent and community group plays a critical role in the student-athlete experience at CHS, and they are always looking for new members and new perspectives. If you are interested in helping out or attending, please contact A
thletic Director Danny Erickson at

Click here for more information about the CHS Boosters.

Bookmark the CHS Athletic Blog. Check out the new student reports for events -- an authentic experience for students in our new Publishing class.

Last Wednesday's PISA administration went extremely well, and CHS is very thankful for the great support and effort put into this international exam. 37 CHS students, who were randomly selected, took the assessment, which involved interactive authentic problem-solving and critical-thinking tasks. The assessment was completed entirely on a laptop provided by PISA, and every student took a different exam. Over 70 countries take part in PISA and there were 390 versions of the assessment.

Our students were awesome! They were very focused and engaged in their work and they reported that they really enjoyed the experience. Most reported that they liked using the laptops and the interactive tasks. "They gave us real-life problems and you had to think a lot. It was good," one student said. Of the 37 students, 9 came back in the afternoon to take a financial literacy exam.

In the coming months, Canton High School will receive our school-wide results back and we will be able to compare our performance to other schools in the United States and around the world. It was an honor to be involved in this process and it was even better to receive the following note from the PISA site coordinator:

Canton High School,

My PISA team and I would like to thank you, your staff, and the students for a very enjoyable and successful day at your school.  I would like to also express my sincere gratitude to Superintendent Jen Henderson for her support throughout the process. 

As I mentioned earlier, your students served as good ambassadors for your school district and for other students their age throughout the United States.  

It was truly a pleasure to meet and work with you on this project.  Best wishes for a wonderful school year.

Late Bus
The Late Bus is running on Mondays and Thursdays. Pick up is at 3:15 p.m. in the Rodman Loop.

Afterschool Academic Support
The Canton High School Library is open from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Thursday. We also have two staff members available in the library during this time for academic support. We hope that students take advantage of this space and support.

Athletic Events and MIAA App
Curious about who is playing and when....Download the MIAA app for free. Identify Canton as a "favorite" and you will have access to all of the schedules, results and standings. You can even download events into your calendar. Excellent app.