Derek Folan

Derek Folan, Principal

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Cantonstock rocks CHS!

MusicCounts! fundraiser delights hundreds with music and games

The Performing Arts are reaching an amazing level in Canton. Cantonstock, the MusicCounts! fundraiser and community peforming arts event, attracted hundreds of students and families last Sunday. Participants experienced a variety of music performed by Grade 4-12 students and had the opportunity to enjoy food and games. This amazing community activity helps support the performing arts programs in Canton.

Also, many of our CHS musicians and singers put on quite a show at last week's Listening Lunch. Students and staff had the opportunity to enjoy the entertainment while they had lunch in the cafeteria.

To learn more about MusicCounts!, click here.

To learn more about the Performing Arts at CHS, see Ms. Tellyer, Mr. Thomas, or Mr. Whidden or click here.

Photos by Paul Barega and Brian Thomas